Cape Tenaro Orchids

Saturday, 15 April 2023

Cattle Egrets - a new species for the headland

Friday 14th April -  A Cattle Egret found on rocks by the lighthouse during the morning flew off south and was followed until lost from sight. Amazingly, just 10 minutes later, another one also flew south. These are the first records of this species for the headland.

On the lands highlights included a Pallid Harrier (present for its third day) that ranged widely across the headland as it hunted for prey and a Roller, the earliest ever.

Counts of grounded migrants for Friday 14th (and the previous five days) are viewable on Trektellen:

Cattle Egret on rocks below the Lighthouse

Wednesday, 12 April 2023

Blue-cheeked Bee-eater !!

The first scarce migrant of the year was seen yesterday (11th April) - this very smart Blue-cheeked Bee-eater was resting on wires next to the road between Beehive Pass and Kokinoghia.

There was also an Eastern Redstart (Phoenicurus phoenicurus samamiscus) near Paliros and an Osprey flew north. Full details of what was seen are on Trektellen:

Blue-cheeked Bee-eater

Eastern Redstart

Tuesday, 11 April 2023

Whitethroat Arrival

Monday 10th April - A good count of 65 Whitethroat - info on the other birds seen is now available on the Trektellen website:

Saturday, 8 April 2023

Cape Tenaro - Spring 2023

This year we will be covering spring migration at Cape Tenaro from 8 to 15 April and from 22 April to 12 May.

For the next week bird news will only be on Twitter @capetenaronews (or use this link like a webpage if you don’t have a Twitter account This blog will have regular posts from 22 April.