Cape Tenaro Orchids

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Of Wheatears and Bee-eaters

A quick summary of today's passage:

Weather - Wind WNW 6-7 in morning, decreasing 6 later. Mostly overcast early on but clearing by midday and then clear.

The wind once again made finding birds hard however it was not quite as difficult as yesterday and it was obvious by late morning that there had been a small arrival overnight. In the afternoon more Wheatears suddenly appeared along the roads to the Point and Mianes seemingly indicating birds arriving during the day, this was confirmed as we drove north from the headland at the end of the day with small groups of Wheatears present on the road (c35 in total).

Totals for the day for those species showing a marked increase were: 7 Hoopoe, 18 Willow Warbler, 27 Whitethroat, 15 Subalpine Warbler, 13 Whinchat, 37 Northern Wheatear, 17 Black-eared Wheatear ans. single White Wagtail.

In addition to the Blue-cheeked Bee-eater mentioned in the previous post there were also 7+ Bee-eaters in 3 parties.

At dusk there were further indications that things are improving when 46 Little Egrets and 18 Grey Herons flew north at Gerolimenas.

Fingers crossed for a good day tomorrow !


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