Cape Tenaro Orchids

Wednesday, 30 April 2014

West wind but a small arrival - Tuesday 29 April

The wind was still stuck in the west, however it had slackened. An early walk to the lighthouse was remarkably unproductive but walks around Koureli, Porto Kaghio and Paliros showed clear evidence of a small fall of migrants. The most abundant species was a Garden Warblar (42), other migrant totals for the day (all increased since yesterday) were 13 Wood Warbler, 10 Whitethroat, 36 Spotted Flycatcher, 13 Pied Flycatcher, 2 Icterine Warbler and 6 Golden Oriole.

There was also a small movement of 36 Turtle Doves mostly seeming to arrive late morning - and some hunting activity especially around Paliros.

The surprise sighting of the day was a mammal rather than a bird, on the way back to the hotel we had two brief, but good, separate sightings of Golden Jackals crossing the road in front of us.

Black-headed Bunting at Koureli
Ladybird Spider on the road to Kokinoghia


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