Cape Tenaro Orchids

Monday, 5 May 2014

More Bee-eaters and Spotted Flycatchers

While expectations for today weren't great the forecast suggested moderate winds however this was clearly wrong as the wind picked up steadily during the morning making it gradually harder to find small birds. That said there had clearly been a small arrival with a few birds moving north early on. The most conspicuous species was Spotted Flycather with 55 recorded; there were also 12 Redstart and interestingly these were all females, presumably their migration period is now close to completion. Totals for the other species involved in today's fall were: 1 Hoopoe, 5 Golden Oriole, 6 Woodchat Shrike, 3 Garden Warbler, 13 Whitethroat, 7 Icterine Warbler, 4 Olivaceous Warbler, 8 Great Reed Warbler, 3 Nightingale, 7 Pied Flycatcher, 16 Whinchat and 15 Spanish Sparrow.

Raptor passage: None

The only bird oddity was a solitary Squacco Heron that was seen to to come in off the sea at the lighthouse at 9.40am.

Squacco Heron at the lighthouse 5 May 2014
Spanish Sparrow above Porto Kaghio 5 May 2014
Mianes - abandoned olive grove

We also came across a couple of the headlands other inhabitants today

Horned Viper at Koureli
Scorpion at Marmari


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