Cape Tenaro Orchids

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Woodchats and Whitethroats

Another reasonable arrival again today. Early on (7.00 to 8.00am) there was a clear northward movement and steady flow of warblers and flycatchers up the central valley of the headland with individual birds flying northwards considerable distances.

The wind, initially north-westerly then westerly, steadily increased making observations of the bushes during the afternoon very challenging. Totals for the most prominent migrants today were: 38 Woodchat Shrike (peak counts in earlier years were in late April), 41 Whitethroat, 22 Whinchat, 46 Spotted Flycatcher and 22 Black-headed Bunting. Other migrants showing an increase in numbers were: 4 Willow Warbler, 4 Nightingale, 2 Subalpine Warbler, 2 Collared Flycatcher and 6 Icterine Warbler.

A number of other species showed a decline in numbers these were (with totals for today) 23 Pied Flycatcher, 18 Redstart, 11 Garden Warbler and 9 Wood Warbler.

Raptor passage was limited with just 2 Marsh Harriers ans a single Kestrel.

Oddities included a Scops Owl in the cave at Porto Sternes and more surprisingly a Collared Dove on rocks at the lighthouse (presumably an exhausted migrant).

Weather: Initially north-west force 5 increasing westerly 6 later. Limited broken cloud and largely sunny for much of the day.

Collared Flycatcher at Paliros
Collared Dove at the lighthouse 1 May 2014
Bug Orchid at Koureli


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