Cape Tenaro Orchids

Friday, 25 March 2016

Larks, Pipits and Wagtails

The wind was a little less strong today though still stuck in the west for much of the day; there were also two heavy showers in the early afternoon. Plenty of sunshine meant that it felt a lot warmer today. 

There appeared to have been a distinct arrival of pipits and larks overnight with the main concentrations along the path out towards the lighthouse. Totals for the day were 56 Short-toed Lark, 30 Tawny Pipits and 11 Meadow Pipits. Flava wagtails appeared to arrive following the showers and a total of 65 had been logged by the end of the afternoon. 

Other conspicuous migrants today were 10 Hoopoe, 6 Quail and 10 Common Redstart. There were also 3 Wrynecks however none of these gave good views.

In addition to 49 Swallows there were 12 House Martin, 4 Red-rumped Swallow, 3 Sand Martins and a single Crag Martin. The other notable visible migrants were a party of 21 Grey Herons that flew north high up off the east coast.

A flava wagtail - Cape Tenaro 25th March 2016

Looking north to the olive groves at Koureli from the road to Kokinoghia

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