Cape Tenaro Orchids

Wednesday, 3 May 2017

More Pied Flycatchers - 2nd May

Tuesday saw another arrival of Pied Flycatchers along with smaller numbers of other common migrants. Grounded birds were most apparent early on and there were far fewer migrants in the sheltered areas at Porto Kagio and Marmari in the afternoon than there have been in recent days. Birds  presumably moving northwards during the course of the day.

Visible migration was very limited however late on a party of 25 Bee-eaters flew strongly north at Kokinoghia late in the afternoon and appeared to have just come in from the south. Raptors were limited to Kestrel today with one early  on and another 5, presumably freshly arrived, birds on wires and hunting above Kokinoghia late on.

Grounded migrants: 7 Golden Oriole, 10 Woodchat Shrike, 1 Great Reed Warbler, 19 Garden Warbler, 1 Blackcap, 8 Whitethroat, 1 Icterine Warbler, 4 Wood Warbler, 4 Redstart, 2 Nightingale, 12 Whinchat, 28 Pied Flycatcher, 18 Spotted Flycatcher and 7 Black-headed Bunting (all males).

Raptors: 6 Kestrel

Visible Migration: 60 Bee-eater 

Weather: effectively calm early on then W or WNW 4-5 in afternoon. Clear with some haze

Black-headed Buntings are very conspicuous at the moment 

The Cirl Bunting was singing on the edge of Koureli cemetery today (a record shot but the best I have)

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