Cape Tenaro Orchids

Friday, 20 April 2018

Flycatcher Fall !! -19th April

Early on it appeared that we were in for another day with few birds however although initially there were only small numbers on the northern part of the headland (around Beehive Pass) there were plenty in the olive groves above Kokinoghia. As the morning wore on these seemed to work their way northwards in to the ringing site. The main species involved were Pied (51) and Collared (21) Flcatchers and Wood Warbler (26).

During the late morning there was a marked arrival of Swallows, at its peak there were 178 sat on wires in Kokinoghia. Bee-eaters were on the move all day, though they also seemed to peak mid-morning. There was also a small flurry of Turtle Dove passage during the early afternoon.

The star bird of the day was a Stone-curlew that gave excellent views on Pipit Plateau mid-morning. Overall the best day's birding so far this year.

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Grounded Migrants: 1 Wryneck, 10 Woodchat Shrike, 26 Wood Warbler, 3 Willow Warbler, 1 Sedge Warbler, 3 Great Reed Warbler, 22 Whitethroat, 13 Spotted Flycatcher, 51 Pied Flycatcher, 21 Collared Flycatcher, 7 Nightingale, 24 Whinchat, 5 Redstart, 3 Ortolan Bunting.

Visible Passage: 135 Bee-eater (and probably considerably more as many parties were only heard), 65 Turtle Dove, 250 Swallow, 14 Red-rumbled Swallow (includes some local breeders), follow

Raptors: The 13 Kestrels between Beehive Pass and Koikinoghia were all thought to be off passage birds from 2 days ago. The same applies to one if the two Pallid Harriers seen today. The only definite new birds were single Marsh and Montagu's Harriers and a Harrier Sp.

Bird Ringing:  7 Pied Fly, 6 Collared Fly, 1 Willow Warbler, 1 Wood Warbler, 4 Whitethroat, 1 Redstart, 1 Whinchat.
Overall Total: 21 birds ringed from 93m of nets.

Weather: Another day of largely calm conditions, with occasional bursts of variable wind, F1-3, with a slight tendency to the W or NW. Broken cloud, largely clearing later and a marked improvement in visibility, Kithira was just about visible for the first time in almost a week!

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