Cape Tenaro Orchids

Wednesday, 25 April 2018

Flycatcher Fall Day !! - 24th April

A really enjoyable day's birding dominated by the arrival of good numbers of black and white flycatchers, final totals for the day were 144 Pied and 65 Collared Flycatchers. Birds were visibly moving north during the first half of the day, presumably as they looked for suitable feeding habitat.

There was also a continuing passage of Harriers with 11 Marsh, 7 Pallid and 2 Montagu's.

A Lanner Falcon that went north ar 07.30 was an addition to the headland bird list.

Grounded Migrants: 8 Hoopoe, 3 Wryneck, 44 Woodchat Shrike, 13 Golden Oriole, 38 Wood Warbler, 8 Icterine Warbler, 15 Garden Warbler, 21 Whitethroat, 6 Great Reed Warbler, 10 Sedge Warbler, 144 Pied Flycatcher, 65 Collared Flycatcher, 42 Spotted Flycatcher and 67 Whinchat. 

Visible Passage: very limited apart from raptors the only obvious north bound migrants were small parties of Bee-eaters that totalled at least 49 birds.

Raptors: Words to follow

Bird Ringing:  24 Pied Flycatcher, 12 Collared Flycatcher! 1 Woodchat Shrike, 5 Garden Warbler, 5 Wood Warbler, 2 Sedge Walker and 1 Whinchat.
Overall Total: 50 birds ringed from 93m of nets.

Weather: Calm or V1 to start wind then freshening W or WNW4-5 by early afternoon and F5-6 later. Virtually cloud free with good visibility.

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