Cape Tenaro Orchids

Wednesday, 13 April 2022

A Fall of Nightingales

Highlights - Wednesday 13th April

More info to follow but today saw the first sizeable arrival of small migrants for 2 weeks. Nightingales were the dominant species with 97 being logged (of which 11 were ringed).

Other species present included 14 Collared Flycatchers, 18 Pied Flycatchers, 22 Woodchat Shrikes, 7 Whinchat and 31 Subalpine Warblers.

A photo posted on Twitter (@capetenaronews) of one of four ‘Spotted' Flycatchers recorded today, see below, have raised the possibility that the bird in question is actually a Mediterranean Flycatcher (Musciapa tyrrhenica) Postscript - after looking at more Spotted Flycatchers we do not feel this is likely and plumage tones and apparent lack of breast streaking are a product of the light and wind.

A Siskin, that was heard calling as it flew north over the ringing area, is an addition to our Cape Tenaro bird list.

Grounded Migrants: Words to follow

Visible Passage: Words to follow

Raptors: 1 Hen Harrier, 1 Marsh Harrier and 1 Kestrel Sp.

Bird Ringing: 43 birds of 10 species

Weather: Wind E or ENE 4 all day, clear but a bit hazy later. Visibility good.

Turtle Dove at Koinoghia

Spotted Flycatcher at Koureli

Whinchat at Mianes 

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