Cape Tenaro Orchids

Saturday, 2 April 2022

Wagtails and Flycatchers

 Summary - Saturday 2nd April

Pipits, wagtails and hirundines were clearly on the move however most other migrants remained in poor numbers.

Grounded Migrants: no real substantive change in numbers however there were a couple of firsts for the year in the form of a Pied Flycather at Kokinoghia  (and two more later at Paliros) and a Wood Warbler in the ringing site.

There are still at least 5 Isabelline Wheatears preset, all on Pipit plateau. In the same location a highly mobile Sardinian Warbler was perhaps itself a migrant and is the first one we recall seeing anywhere south of Kokinoghia.

Visible Passage: small numbers of flava wagtails (48) heading north, also some Swallows (43) and a Sand Martin. There was also the highest count of the year of Tawny Pipit (12).

Raptors: 1 March Harrier, 1 Montagu’s Harrier and a Kestrel

Bird Ringing: just 16 ringed: 9 Subalpine, 1 Ruppell’s, 1Wood Warbler, 1 Sardinian, 1 Willow Warb, 1 Whitethroat, 1 Blackcap and a Chaffinch.

Weather: W7 to start though dropping W5 later. Mostly sunny though some haze and visibility remains moderate.

A ‘flava' Wagtail on Pipit Plateau

The first Pied Flycatcher of the year (at Kokinoghia)

The first Wood Warbler of the year 

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