Summary - Thursday 31st March
Another day with relatively few grounded migrants however Collared Flycatcher and Short-toed Lark were both new for the year and there was a marked increase in Nightingale (5 to 23).
Raptor watching proved frustrating with 3 Harrier Sp affording only poor views, although 2 male Hen Harriers were a treat.
The ringing team have now arrived and spend the day getting organised and ringed 15 birds during the course of the afternoon.
Grounded Migrants: A rather odd mix, migrants were again in short supply however there was a marked increase in Nightingale (23), Robin (5), Redstart (4) and Hoopoe (8). The star promise though went to the first Collared Flaycatcher of the year, a stunning male, at Pailiros.
The Isabelline Wheatears had mostly moved on with just 2 being seen. The first 3 Short-toed Larks of the year were present on Pipit Plateau late in the afternoon.
Bird Ringing: only a partial ringing session today as time spent clearing net rides and setting up nets, all birds caught during the afternoon: 6 Subalpine Warbler, 5 Blackcap, 2 Robin, 1 Nightingale, 1 Rüppell's Warbler = 15 in total