Cape Tenaro Orchids

Tuesday, 31 March 2015

A Fall and Raptor Passage too

Today (31st March) saw a really varied mix of migration with a fall, some northward passage, raptor arrivals and as well as a couple of species passing offshore.

The dominant species was Subalpine Warbler with 143 recorded, there was also 7 Hoopoe, 16 Wryneck, 36 Blackcap, 6 Robin, 11 Song Thrush, 32 Nightingale, 13 Black-eared Wheatear and 5 Spanish Sparrow.

At the lighthouse an adult Gannet flew west just before midday followed soon after by a flock of 40 Oystercatcher heading east. In addition 2 Stone-curlew were seen coming in from the sea.

Northern Gannet flying west past Cape Tenaro lighthouse - 31st March 2015

There was a steady movement of raptors all morning with almost half of the birds counted seen coming in off the sea at the lighthouse, totals for the day were: 9 Marsh Harrier, 16 Kestrel and 6 Lesser Kestrel (the latter includes 3 birds present above Kokinoghia for their third day).

The bird of the day was a Richard's Pipit heard at the lighthouse and then relocated on 'pipit plateau', where it briefly gave good views and was heard giving its distinctive 'schreeep' call several times.

Richard's Pipit on pipit plateau

First arrivals for the year were a Common Sandpiper in Porto Sternes, an Orphean Warbler at Koureli and a Savi's Warbler singing below Beehive Pass.

Other birds of note included 5 Hawfinch at Koureli (and 4 of these later at Paliros) and the continuing presence of at least 9 Isabelline Wheatear (the majority on pipit plateau).

Hawfinch at Paliros - 31st March 2015

Weather: there had been some rain overnight and it was still heavily overcast at first light. Clearing from 08.00 with clear blue skies from 10.00 for the rest of the day. Wind west or west-south-west all day.



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