Cape Tenaro Orchids

Monday, 30 March 2015

A few new arrivals....

Monday 30th March has seen a few new arrivals with the first Bee-eater of the year heard flying north over Koginoghia and 2 Cretzschmar's Buntings on a road above Marmari.

An Osprey flying north just inland from the lighthouse was one of only 5 raptors seen today, the others being 2 Marsh Harriers flying north and 2 of yesterday's Lesser Kestrels still present on wires above Kokinoghia.

There were still at least 5 Isabelline Wheatears present and the European Golden Plover was present for its fourth day in the 'swallow hollow' close to the lighthouse path.

European Golden Plover

While the numbers of most migrants had declined a few, notably 12 Wryneck and 10 Hoopoe, had increased; given the windy conditions this probably represented a small arrival. Totals for selected other species were: 3 Quail, 2 Eastern Bonelli's Warbler, 19 Blackcap, 74 Subalpine Warbler and 20 Nightingale.

The only other bird of note was a Crag Martin feeding with other hirundines along the slopes of the mountain.

Isabelline Wheatear near Gerolimenas (the birds on the headland have eluded the camera)

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