Cape Tenaro Orchids

Thursday, 27 April 2017

Great Reed Warblers and Whinchats

Yesterday (26th April) saw only another small arrival and it was hard to know whether relatively few birds were migrating in the light winds or whether the fine conditions meant that most of them passed straight overhead without stopping.
A few species appeared to be present in greater numbers including 20 Great Reed Warbler (the highest day total ever recorded) and 51 Spotted Flycatcher. Totals for the other more abundant species were: 7 Hoopoe, 3 Cuckoo, 69 Turtle Dove, 8 Golden Oriole, 9 Sedge Warbler, 19 Whitethroat, 8 Garden Warbler, 10 Wood Warbler, 65 Whinchat, 26 Nightingale, 17 Pied Flcatcher and 5 Woodchat Shrike.

The first Eastern Olivaceous Warbler was seen and heard singing briefly at Porto Kagio in the afternoon. While an Orphean Warbler trapped and ringed was also a first for e year.  

There were 5 Kestrels through early on otherwise all the other raptors, except the Hobby, went through between 12.30 and 14.30.

Raptors:: 4 Honey Buzzard, 4 Motagu's Harrier, 7 Kestrel and 1 Hobby 

Ringing Totals:    Sedge Warbler 4,  Pied Flycatcher 4,  Wood Warbler 2,  Orphean Warbler 1,  Garden Warbler 4,  Wryneck 1, Nightingale 2,  Spotted Flycatcher 3,  Linnet 3,  Great Reed Warbler 2,  Whinchat 1,  Turtle Dove 1.
Overall total: 28 birds ringed:in 66m of mist net.

Weather: NNE to  NE 2/3 in the morning, only force 1/2 in afternoon. Clear all day.

Spotted Flycatcher at Koikinoghia

Woodchat Shrike at Marmari

Great Reed Warbler at Porto Kagio

Southern Comma at Marmari

Red-throated Pipit on pipit plateau, the only one recorded on 26th 

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