Cape Tenaro Orchids

Friday, 28 April 2017

Woodchat Shrikes and Spotted Flycatchers - 27th April

There was a distinct arrival of several species yesterday (27th April) and although numbers were not huge there was plenty to see although some areas such as the olive groves on the eastern side of both  Paliros and Koureli were almost bird free. There was also another small raptor movement with what seems to be a characteristic split of birds moving through either early on (08.00 to 09.00 ish) or in the early afternoon (13.00 to 14.30).
In addition there was a good visible movement of Turtle Doves with a total of 157 seen heading north.

We also welcomed Maria who has come to help us for the next 4 days so there are now 6 of us.

Counts for the day were: 2 Cuckoo, 48 Woodchat Shrike, 4 Golden Oriole, 12 Great Reed Warbler, 6 Sedge Warbler, 2 Reed Warbler, 8 Icterine Warbler, 2 Eastern Olivaceous Warbler, 35 Whitethroat, 14 Garden Warbler, 25 Nightingale, 54 Whinchat, 9 Redstart, 57 Spotted Flycatcher, 13 Pied Flycatcher and 5 Collared Flycatcher.

Raptors: 4 Honey Buzzard, 8 Kestrel and 2 Hobby.

RingingWhitethroat 7,  Nightingale 8,  Great Reed Warbler 1,  Reed Warvbler 1,  Blackcap 2,  Collared Flycatcher 1, Orphean Warbler 1,  Icterine Warbler 2,  Sedge Warbler 1,  Redstart 2,  Pied Flycatcher 2,  Garden Warbler 2,  Spotted Flycatcher 1 and Wood Warbler 2.
Overall total 33 birds from 66m of nets.

Weather: Cyclonic 1-2, later 3 with gusts of 4. Clear.

Golden Oriole at Porto Kagio

One of the resident Red-rumpled Swallows at Marmari 

The uninhabited village of Aghirokambi, a great place to look for migrants, 25 of the Woodchat Shrikes seen today were either here or in the fields close by.

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