Cape Tenaro Orchids

Thursday, 31 March 2022

Harriers in the Haze

Summary - Thursday 31st March

Another day with relatively few grounded migrants however Collared Flycatcher and Short-toed Lark were both new for the year and there was a marked increase in Nightingale (5 to 23).

Raptor watching proved frustrating with 3 Harrier Sp affording only poor views, although 2 male Hen Harriers were a treat.

The ringing team have now arrived and spend the day getting organised and ringed 15 birds during the course of the afternoon.

Grounded Migrants: A rather odd mix, migrants were again in short supply however there was a marked increase in Nightingale (23), Robin (5), Redstart (4) and Hoopoe (8). The star promise though went to the first Collared Flaycatcher of the year, a stunning male, at Pailiros. 

The Isabelline Wheatears had mostly moved on with just 2 being seen. The first 3 Short-toed Larks of the year were present on Pipit Plateau late in the afternoon. 

Visible Passage: very limited, a few flavas and an energetic, northbound, Hoopoe 

Raptors: another day of harriers, though different species, 2 male Hen Harriers and 3 Harrier Sp (either Montagu’s or Pallid) along with 2 Kestrels.

Bird Ringing: only a partial ringing session today as time spent clearing net rides and setting up nets, all birds caught during the afternoon: 6 Subalpine Warbler, 5 Blackcap, 2 Robin, 1 Nightingale, 1 Rüppell's Warbler = 15 in total

Weather: Overcast early on with a few short sunny spells, hazy all day with limited visibility. Wind mostly ESE mostly fresh F5-6 but dropping off occasionally.

Other Wildlife: The influx of Bath Whites continued for its third day, in addition there was the first Painted Lady since we arrived and several Clouded Yellows.

A fine Rüppell's Warbler caught this evening

Porto Sternes and today’s big swell

Greater Shirt-toed Lark on Pipit Plateau

Bath White at Paliros

Swallows at Porto Kagio

Wednesday, 30 March 2022

Isabellines Abound

Summary - Wednesday 30th March

A poor day for migrants redeemed by a notable count of Isabelline Wheatears (8) and a mini northward movement of Marsh Harriers (3).

Grounded Migrants: a further decline in the number of migrants present however this was compensated for by a marked arrival of Isabelline Wheatears with 6 found on ‘Pipit plateau' and another 2 on the narrows. This is our highest ever count for the headland, and presumably, as with yesterday’s Spectacled Warbler, reflects the striping south-easterly winds. It is possible that they had arrived yesterday as they were mostly in an area not covered then.

Other migrants of note today included 4 Wryneck, 32 Meadow Pipit and a single Skylark. Warblers were also down with just 22 Subalpines, 9 Blackcaps and 3 Ruppells. Only 1 Redstart was seen.

Visible Passage: Swallows were finally on the move with 19 seen heading north. A single 'flava' also went north

Raptors: some raptors at last!, 3 Marsh Harriers went north along with a Kestrel and there was also a Kestrl Sp above Kokinoghia.

Bird Ringing: Weather allowing ringing will start on 31st March

Weather: Sunny but hazy early on then overcast during afternoon. Calm or variable F1-2 all day. Humid with poor to moderate visibility.

Isabelline Wheatear on Pipit plateau

A dead shrew at Koureli  
Toothed Orchid near Pailiros

Greek Rick Lizard (we think!) at Paliros

Tuesday, 29 March 2022

Spectacled Warbler Surprise !!

 Summary - Tuesday 29th March

Grounded Migrants: far fewer birds present today, with just 40 Subalpine Warblers seen. The only species showing an increase in numbers were Hoopoe (13) and Blackcap (23) however those figures may simply be an artifact of more extensive coverage. The Isabelline Wheatear was still present and the first Black-eared Wheatear of the year appeared on the road south of Beehive Pass.

The deep seated south-easterlies did however deliver one surprise in the form of a male Spectacled Warbler found in the sparse low scrub adjacent to the point car park at Kokinoghia. After giving some brief good views it sadly vanished before it could be photographed.

Visible Passage: very limited again, a single flava wagtail and a few Linnet seen heading north

Raptors: no migrants seen, but great views of up to 3 Short-toed Eagles recorded.

Bird Ringing: Weather allowing ringing will start on 31st March

Weather: A brisk south-easterly for most of the day, clear early on but soon overcast with no better than moderate visibility. Dry.

Isabelline Wheatear above Porto Kagio

Hoopoe at Kokinoghia

Giant Orchid at Mianes

Black-eared Wheatear on the road to Kokinoghia

First Day back at Cape Tenaro

So after missing the last two spring migration seasons because of the Covid-19 pandemic we are finally back at Cape Tenaro - hurray!!

Summary - Monday 28th March

A pleasant enough start to our visit (after a 3 year gap!) with a proper arrival of Subalpine Warblers. A decent selection of other migrants, given it is still March, of which Hoopoe and Redstart were the most conspicuous. The only scarcity seen was an Isabelline Wheatear on the road to Porto Kagio.

Grounded Migrants: A decent showing of Subalpine Warblers with 91 logged however they were very patchily distributed and given our late arrival and the wind were probably under-counted. No other migrants were present in large numbers however we did see a good mix of species including: 1 Common Sandpiper, 1 Wryneck, 10 Hoopoe, 12 Nightingale, 4 Rüppell's Warbler, 10 Blackcap, 1 Whitethroat, 7 Woodchat Shrike, 4 Northern Wheatear, 7 Redstart, 3 Black Redstart and a single Robin. There was also a single Isabelline Wheatear on the ‘narrows’ on the Porto Kagio road.

Visible Passage: very limited with the exception of Linnet, of the 35 counted most appeared to be north bound migrants. There was also a single Swallow at Kokinoghia that also headed north.

Raptors: no migrants seen, with just a single local Peregrine and two Short-toed Eagles recorded.

Bird Ringing: Weather allowing ringing will start on 31st March

Weather: Wind mostly northeast however the weather maps show strong south easterlies to the south of us. Mostly overcast with poor to moderate visibility.

Subalpine Warbler at Koureli

Woodchat Shrike near Beehive Pass

Black Redstart at Paliros

Redstart at Paliros