Cape Tenaro Orchids

Tuesday, 29 March 2022

Spectacled Warbler Surprise !!

 Summary - Tuesday 29th March

Grounded Migrants: far fewer birds present today, with just 40 Subalpine Warblers seen. The only species showing an increase in numbers were Hoopoe (13) and Blackcap (23) however those figures may simply be an artifact of more extensive coverage. The Isabelline Wheatear was still present and the first Black-eared Wheatear of the year appeared on the road south of Beehive Pass.

The deep seated south-easterlies did however deliver one surprise in the form of a male Spectacled Warbler found in the sparse low scrub adjacent to the point car park at Kokinoghia. After giving some brief good views it sadly vanished before it could be photographed.

Visible Passage: very limited again, a single flava wagtail and a few Linnet seen heading north

Raptors: no migrants seen, but great views of up to 3 Short-toed Eagles recorded.

Bird Ringing: Weather allowing ringing will start on 31st March

Weather: A brisk south-easterly for most of the day, clear early on but soon overcast with no better than moderate visibility. Dry.

Isabelline Wheatear above Porto Kagio

Hoopoe at Kokinoghia

Giant Orchid at Mianes

Black-eared Wheatear on the road to Kokinoghia

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