Cape Tenaro Orchids

Wednesday, 30 March 2022

Isabellines Abound

Summary - Wednesday 30th March

A poor day for migrants redeemed by a notable count of Isabelline Wheatears (8) and a mini northward movement of Marsh Harriers (3).

Grounded Migrants: a further decline in the number of migrants present however this was compensated for by a marked arrival of Isabelline Wheatears with 6 found on ‘Pipit plateau' and another 2 on the narrows. This is our highest ever count for the headland, and presumably, as with yesterday’s Spectacled Warbler, reflects the striping south-easterly winds. It is possible that they had arrived yesterday as they were mostly in an area not covered then.

Other migrants of note today included 4 Wryneck, 32 Meadow Pipit and a single Skylark. Warblers were also down with just 22 Subalpines, 9 Blackcaps and 3 Ruppells. Only 1 Redstart was seen.

Visible Passage: Swallows were finally on the move with 19 seen heading north. A single 'flava' also went north

Raptors: some raptors at last!, 3 Marsh Harriers went north along with a Kestrel and there was also a Kestrl Sp above Kokinoghia.

Bird Ringing: Weather allowing ringing will start on 31st March

Weather: Sunny but hazy early on then overcast during afternoon. Calm or variable F1-2 all day. Humid with poor to moderate visibility.

Isabelline Wheatear on Pipit plateau

A dead shrew at Koureli  
Toothed Orchid near Pailiros

Greek Rick Lizard (we think!) at Paliros

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